Quit Smoking App from Facebook

For the smokers who want to break away the old habit, here’s a new creation from Facebook that will help you keep away from smoking. This is the “QUIT SMOKING APP”!

Asian Age report says, Nicorette support is an application to improve of social networking. The benefit of this application is that it is a means of adapting to a new communication technique for helping smokers.

This application monitors the process to stop smoking or decrease smoking practice of smokers.

The app contains the following subjects: individual quit timelines, reasons for quitting, smoking triggers, and craving patterns. Thus, the application retains the smoker’s needs and builds up a practical plan to help smokers in their quit attempt.

Moreover, this app enables communication between other smokers who are looking to quit and allows the smoker to interact with people going through the same experience of attempting to quit or those that have already succeeded. Smokers and former smokers can exchange views, advice and comments on the way to quit smoking.

Garima Pant is an advertising professional who stated that the miracle of quitting has to come from your motivation. You can stop it if you are really sincere. Also, she stated that this app can make people happy and content in attaining success in giving up the habit. She said that this is useful if you are interested in quitting the habit and sincerely follow the procedure. You will get nothing and it will not do well if you are not eager to respect as needed.

This application can assist you to begin the process of giving up smoking. It will inspire smokers to quit or lessen smoking habit if they have an affirmative mind-set. However, if they are not willing to put in the effort, then this attempt may fail. These observations are from a teacher and a former smoker Rahul Khandewal.

Adarsh, a serious smoker, told he would love to try this application on the cell phone and Facebook. He trusts that this monitoring application, it might be special and handy, unlike the phone tested on various applications by his relatives, that just did not able to help them quit.

For more information on Quitting Smoking and to find how Electronic Cigarettes and other nicotine replacement therapies can help, check out Cignature @ www.cignaturemagazine.com

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